Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love Poems - Valentine's Day Special!

The next few posts will be devoted to love poems that I penned when I was sixteen or seventeen, in an adolescent delirium of hormones. Indeed, that was a time when, as Pablo Neruda so succinctly put it, “love poems were breaking out all over my body”. Things were aggravated by the fact that I laboured under an idealized concept of love fed to my poor vulnerable teenage mind by our popular fiction and movies. Reading the poems now, my wiser, more mature self, finds them rather maudlin and some downright mawkish! I claim no great literary merit to them but I am fond of them all the same... because they always make me smile....

And that, my dear friends, is my sole reason for sharing them with you here on my blog.... Since Valentine's Day is round the corner, let me dedicate them to all you lovebirds out there! I'll be marking them 'LP' next to the title to distinguish them. See ya!


Veda said...

They made me smile too :) innocence personified. I love ur blog jinj, i really never knew u wrote SO well!! I've added it to my blog scroll and have it on my favorites!! great going!! :D

Jinju S. said...

Hi der VedZ! Gr8 2 hear frm u! Hope u wil keep visiting... :)

KParthasarathi said...

I did not visit your blog for a few days.I will read all the posts now.I know you write exceedingly well

Jinju S. said...

Thank u Gp :)