Tuesday, February 17, 2009


When memories come pelting
Like hailstones on the glades-
A furious storm of sights and sounds,
Colours bright and soothing shades,
Places known and faces dear,
Voices loved and touch familiar...

Shards of old laughter-
Untinged with tears,
Unbroken by thoughts
Of what comes after.

Dreams together dreamt
And woes together wept;
Those times when
Past and Future slept,
As the Infinite Moment
I drank to the lees,
Cocooned by the silk
Of friendship and love.

In moments like these
When a whirlwind from the past
Wrenches me away
From the present grey;
And I find myself longing
For those places known and faces dear,
Those voices loved and touch familiar....

When nostalgia rains down
In endless torrents,
My heart it floods
Not with mirth or torment,
But with wistful streams
Of happy sorrow....


Shravan Raghunath said...

When nostalgia rains down
In endless torrents,
My heart it floods
Not with mirth or torment,
But with wistful streams
Of happy sorrow....

lovely :) and what to say jinju? u made my eyes wet ! thought of my friends, and relations, thought of the fun we had and thought of the secluded life of now. thank you jinju :)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Jinju, an outstanding poem.
Very touching words:

"And I find myself longing
For those places known and faces dear,
Those voices loved and touch familiar...."

Thanks and best wishes.

Jinju S. said...

@shravan: yes i undrstnd exactly how u feel shravan... Times change, ppl change but memories don't...thank u 4 ur appreciation

@ayesha:Thank u. glad u liked it.do keep visiting