Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cut Off

' As flies to wanton boys, so are we to the gods,
they kill us for their sport.'
- Shakespeare, King Lear

I often lost his voice on the phone-
Bad network

How would you even know
if I die, he used to jest.
I'd reply with silence,
it silenced him for the moment.

We hanker to buy with
bleeding bits of the heart,
The cologne of love:
Sometimes so costly
it leaves you with no heart at all.
Just a pulsating void
like the bleeding silence
at his end when I said
"I love you";
And then, (finally),
"I love you too, three, four, five..."

He loved his bike.
Faster, faster, Death cheered him on;
School kids race in the rain,
Splashing mud on me.

As the boat gently bobbed
away from the shore,
Little did I know
it had no oars.

They laid him to sleep
and threw earth over his dreams,
My cat gave birth to three
kittens that day.

Dust to dust returneth;
I to him.

Beep beep beep.
Switched off
Cannot be reached
Out of coverage area
Does not exist.


KParthasarathi said...

My eyes are turned moist.It is so touching and lingers in my mind long after I have finished reading.

Shravan Raghunath said...

may be a sad reality for someone.. and neatly written.. i could just feel every single line, touching deep down my heart. <3 u twin.. :)